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St. Ann's Parish Picnic

Posted on September 12, 2024 in: General News

St. Ann's Parish Picnic
Fall is upon us and so is the St. Ann's picnic scheduled for Oct 13th at 12pm.  We had a great picnic last year, but we received some great feedback which our committee has worked hard to incorporate for this fall.  Here's what you can look forward to!   SHORTER FOOD LINES&...

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Christian Formation

Posted on September 04, 2024 in: General News

Christian Formation
  For more details click here

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The Search

Posted on September 04, 2024 in: General News

The Search
Who Will You Invite? Do you know someone who is searching for meaning in their life? Maybe you know someone who has thought about becoming Catholic? In this missionary year of the Eucharistic Revival, we are being encouraged to invite someone to Church. Maybe it’s a family member, a co-work...

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Summer Mass Schedule

Posted on June 06, 2024 in: General News

Summer Mass Schedule
Weekend Schedule Effective June 1st Saturday:  3:45-4:15pm Reconciliation, 5pm Mass Sunday: 8:30am Mass and 10am Mass

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Symbolon - Faith Explained

Posted on June 06, 2024 in: General News

Symbolon - Faith Explained
Often times lifelong Catholics say, I wish I could participate in RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults - the journey toward initiation into the Catholic Church). They believe people who become Catholic through RCIA know so much more about the faith. Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is...

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Vacation Bible School

Posted on April 25, 2024 in: General News

Vacation Bible School
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Sunday, June 9th - Thursday, June 13th 5:30pm-8:00pm   This summer we will be diving into friendship with God! Vacation Bible School is one of the most fun weeks at St. Ann's! Don't miss out!    Registration is now open. You can register...

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Family Activity, Parish Events, children, teens, youth, Christian Formation, Parish, Community, Parish Events, Mass

ACES Needs List - February

Posted on January 29, 2024 in: General News

ACES Needs List - February
ACES is in need of the following items: Pantry: Canned meat (tuna, salmon, spam, ham, etc.) Canned fruit Baked beans Pork & Beans Peanut butter Rice Boxed potatoes (potato flake Cold cereal Oatmeal (smaller sizes, or instant packets) Laundry detergent Toothpas...

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Parish Events
Volunteers Needed! - Souper Bowl of Caring
The weekend of February 10 & 11, Youth Ministry will be collecting cash donations in the commons after all Masses as part of the Souper Bowl of Caring. We need teen and adult volunteers to help collect donations! Sign up here!

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youth, Outreach

Glow Party This Friday!

Posted on January 17, 2024 in: General News

Glow Party This Friday!
Let’s glow crazy! Join us on Friday, February 2 from 6-8 PM for a youth ministry glow party. Come for an evening of neon, pizza, games, and throwback hits! Bring a white garment to decorate at the t-shirt station, and pose with your friends in the photo booth! All teens are welcome

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middle, high, youth ministry, youth

Advent Communal Reconciliation

Posted on December 18, 2023 in: General News

“Don’t be afraid; go to Him!”   Dec 18 | Communal Reconciliation | 7:00pm  Advent is a Penitential season, a time to turn away from sin and turn toward God. Help Prepare your heart for the coming of our Savior by celebrating this healing sacrament.   What is a communal Reconciliation Service? We will gather together in the Church at 7:00pm for a...

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Coffee & Donuts - We need you!!

Posted on December 10, 2023 in: General News

Coffee & Donuts - We need you!!
We need help! Coffee and Donuts has been such a great success after the 11am Mass, that we would like to offer it after the 8:30am Mass.  We can't do this without your help.  Please sign up for opportunities to volunteer.  Training will be provided!  

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Stay In Touch with Us!

Posted on December 04, 2023 in: General News

Stay In Touch with Us!
Staying in touch with our flock is very important to St. Ann's! We are transitioning our email system to Flocknote. This Monday email from St. Ann's will continue through the month of December before it is replaced by our new weekly, Friday newsletter called, "The Wind...

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Parish Events

Advent at St. Ann's

Posted on November 27, 2023 in: General News

Advent at St. Ann's
The sacred season of Advent began this Sunday, Dec. 3rd. How will you prepare your heart for the birth of the King of Kings? How will you experience Christmas Peace? See our Advent page for resources to help you have a meaningful season. Download our flyer and mark your calendar ...

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Parish Events, Community, Parish Events
ST. ANN’S ADVENT ANGEL GIVING TREE St. Ann’s is full of amazing angels - the tags have flown off the tree and the gifts are pouring in! You can become an angel by: 1 – Helping us to finish our ‘wish list’. There are still a few tags available both on the physic...

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Family Activity, Parish Events, Family Activity, children, teens, youth, Christmas, Advent, Parish, Community, Parish Events, Outreach, Advent
Families/Groups Wanted to Light the Advent Wreath
St. Ann's is looking for Families or Groups who would like to volunteer to light the candles on the Advent Wreath at the beginning of Mass during Advent.  Instruction will be provided before Mass. If interested please click on this link to sign up:  Sign up for Advent Wreath li...

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Sign up today and bring a friend, or two!
Give yourself a gift this season! We are excited to host Barbara Hughes, Author and Columnist from the Catholic Virginian at St. Ann's! Barbara will lead us through reflections on Mary, the Cause of Our Joy and Mary, Comfort of the Afllicted. Make some time during the busy Adve...

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Parish Events, Prayer, Advent, adult formation, Retreat, parish event, Community, Barbara Hughes

Holy Day/Holiday Ushers

Posted on November 21, 2023 in: General News

Holy Day/Holiday Ushers
Attention Ushers: We are looking for ushers to serve at the upcoming Holy Day and Holiday Masses.  Please scan the QR code to sign up!  Or click here:Usher Sign Up Thank you for your committment to this ministry!!

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Holiday Gift Cards 2023

Posted on November 20, 2023 in: General News

Holiday Gift Cards 2023
 It’s time to think about your Holiday gift giving needs! St. Ann’s will again offer gift card sales for the upcoming holidays. Gift cards make excellent Christmas gifts and a portion of the sales come back to St. Anns for the Haiti ministry and the local Outreach Ministry. Pu...

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Parish Events

Adult Christian Formation Survey

Posted on November 16, 2023 in: General News

Adult Christian Formation Survey
  We are in the process of finalizing our Spring Adult Christian Formation calendar and we want your feedback! The survey will be open until Nov. 26th! Click here to complete the survey!

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Adults, Survey
What's Happening for Youth and Teens
Parent Night Out - Volunteers Needed Calling all teens! Give busy parents a night off during the holiday season by volunteering to babysit. Mark your calendar for December 2 from 5-8 PM. Click here for more information and to sign up!   One Bread, One Cup Conference O...

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St. Ann’s Children & Youth Christmas Choir-2023
Our Children and Youth Choir is open to anyone in grades 2nd-12th who enjoy singing.  The choir will sit in the choir area of the church and help lead our community in song at the 4:00pm Christmas Eve liturgy.   There will be three Sunday rehearsals after the 11:00am Mass on Decemb...

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One Bread, One Cup 2024

Posted on November 07, 2023 in: General News

One Bread, One Cup 2024
St. Ann is sending a delegation to the One Bread, One Cup conference in 2024. Registration is open now! If your teen has been invited to participate or is curious about the conference, click here to learn more.

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DYC Early Bird Registration Open Now
Registration for the Diocesan Youth Conference is open now! DYC is an opportunity for students in 8th-12th grades to learn more about the faith  and enjoy community with other Catholic teens from all across the Diocese! Early Bird Registration closes November 26. General reg...

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Teen Volunteers Needed for Parents' Night Out!
Calling all teens! Give busy parents a night off during the holiday season by volunteering to babysit. Mark your calendar for December 2 from 5-8 PM. Click here for more information and to sign up!   Want to have a hand in creating the magic from the start? Join our teen leaders...

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Youth Ministry Ski Trip

Posted on November 07, 2023 in: General News

Youth Ministry Ski Trip
Join us on the slopes on January 27, 2024! Lift tickets are $65/each (does not include equipment rentals). Register by November 15! Click here for more information. 

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Find on FORMED this month

Posted on November 01, 2023 in: General News

Find on FORMED this month
In this year of the Eucharistic Revival we promised to share some resources with you to help you grow in your faith and understanding of our Mass and Christ’s gift of the Eucharist. This month's feature on FORMED is an audio presentation of Dr. Edward Sri's "A Scriptural Walk T...

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CF, Eucharistic Revival

Holy Hour

Posted on October 29, 2023 in: General News

Holy Hour
Come pray with us! Tuesday, November 7th at 7:00pm

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Worship, Eucharist, Adoration, prayer
All Saints' and All Souls' Day Celebrations
During the month of November, we remember those who have gone before us... Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. What is the difference between All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day? Watch this video: All Saints' Day is a day ...

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Mass, Liturgy, parish, remembrance, family, adults

Synod Update - Part Four

Posted on October 28, 2023 in: General News

Synod Update - Part Four
We Spoke, They Listened! In October of 2021, Pope Francis told parishes around the world that he wanted to hear from them about what it’s like being a Catholic today. Many asked “Will this make a difference?” Believe it or not, THEY LISTENED! Some of the issues raised in U.S. pa...

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Parish Events

Join our Men's Group!

Posted on October 23, 2023 in: General News

Join our Men's Group!
The St. Ann’s Men’s Group meets to expand our knowledge of the Catholic faith and share ways to incorporate that faith and spirituality into our daily lives with family, friends, and coworkers. All parish men are invited to sign up for notifications and join any meeting! Sign up on ou...

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Prayer, Men, Retreat

Synod Update - Part Three

Posted on October 14, 2023 in: General News

Synod Update - Part Three
We Spoke, They Listened! In October of 2021, Pope Francis told parishes around the world that he wanted to hear from them about what it’s like being a Catholic today. Many asked “Will this make a difference?” Believe it or not, THEY LISTENED! Some of the issues raised in U.S. pa...

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Parish Events

Synod Update - Part Two

Posted on October 07, 2023 in: General News

Synod Update - Part Two
We Spoke, They Listened! In October of 2021, Pope Francis told parishes around the world that he wanted to hear from them about what it’s like being a Catholic today. Many asked “Will this make a difference?” Believe it or not, THEY LISTENED! Some of the issues raised in U.S. pa...

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Parish Events

Winter Coat Drive

Posted on October 03, 2023 in: General News

Winter Coat Drive
Our Winter Coat Drive will be held from October 1st through October 29th.  All coats should be NEW or CLEAN, GENTLY USED, COOL and COLD WEATHER coats.  There is a collection box in the Commons for your donations.

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Find on FORMED this month

Posted on October 01, 2023 in: General News

Find on FORMED this month
In this year of the Eucharistic Revival we promised to share some resources with you to help you grow in your faith and understanding of our Mass and Christ’s gift of the Eucharist. This month we are sharing “What is the Mass?”: This 15 minute video will answer, Why should I want t...

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Parish Events

Synod Update - Part One

Posted on September 28, 2023 in: General News

Synod Update - Part One
We Spoke, They Listened! In October of 2021, Pope Francis told parishes around the world that he wanted to hear from them about what it’s like being a Catholic today. Many asked “Will this make a difference?” Believe it or not, THEY LISTENED! Some of the issues raised in U.S. pa...

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Parish Events

Diocesan National Pilgrimage

Posted on September 26, 2023 in: General News

Diocesan National Pilgrimage
Join Bishop Knestout and faithful from across the Commonwealth for a pilgrimage focused on the source and summit of our faith, the Eucharist. Saturday, October 21st Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C. Pilgrims need to registe...

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Community, parish event, diocesan pilgrimage, trip

It's nearly time for Trunk or Treat!

Posted on September 26, 2023 in: General News

It's nearly time for Trunk or Treat!
Mark your calendar today! We cannot wait to see you at our Third Annual Trunk or Treat celebration!  Bring your family, friends, grandkids, neighbors! All are welcome! See the details and sign up to decorate a car or help with our hot dog booth here!

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Parish Events
What does it mean to have faith in God?
If you are not Catholic, or if you were baptized Catholic but have not completed all of your Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, join us! This Thursday, September 21st at 6:30pm, come explore the topic of Faith and God in our "Seeking Christ&qu...

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St. Ann's Annual Blessing of the Pets
Our Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis of Assisi on October 4th! We love to honor this great Saint by celebrating and blessing our beloved pets! Join us on Sunday, Oct. 8th at 4:30pm for the St. Ann's Annual Blessing of the Pets. Feel free to bring your cat, dog, bird, iguana, fros,...

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Parish Events

Have you heard the Good News?

Posted on September 22, 2023 in: General News

Have you heard the Good News?
Our Church is celebrating a Year of Eucharistic Revivial! Did you see our flyer about the National Eucharistic Revival?    St. Ann's is providing opportunities for you to explore your own commitment and understanding of the Eucharist. See our Fall opportunities here. We also have...

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Parish Events

Family Picnic - October 1st

Posted on September 22, 2023 in: General News

Family Picnic - October 1st
The picnic is just around the corner!  We will have activities for all ages including: a bouncy house, guided nature walk behind the church and a MS/HS youth vs. college cornhole tournament; Strawberry Street Cafe catering, a DJ and more! If you can spare a bit of time to volunteer we...

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Our Meals Have Shipped

Posted on September 15, 2023 in: General News

Our Meals Have Shipped
Awesome news! The meals that our community packaged at our Rise Against Hunger Experience have shipped. It's important to us that you know how valued your contribution to our mission is. Read below to find out how your meals are making an impact! At this moment, healthy meals are...

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Parish Events

Change the way you experience Mass

Posted on September 14, 2023 in: General News

Change the way you experience Mass
Change the way you experience Mass forever. We’re excited to invite you to A Biblical Walk Through the Mass, a five-part study that takes us on a tour of the Liturgy, explaining the biblical roots and symbolism behind what we say and do in the Mass. A Biblical Walk Through the Mass&...

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Mass Schedule!

Posted on September 11, 2023 in: General News

Mass Schedule!
  Effective Saturday, September 16th the Regular Mass Schedule is as follows: Reconciliation:  2:45 - 3:15pm Saturday Vigil Mass:  4:00pm Sunday Mass:  8:30am and 11:00am

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Prayer for Patriot's Day

Posted on September 10, 2023 in: General News

Prayer for Patriot's Day
May All of us Remember May all of us remember with love and compassion this day. May we grieve with those who still mourn, And share memories with those who cannot forget. May we draw strength from those who bravely responded, And gave their lives to save others. May we stand with ...

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Christian Formation is Starting Up!

Posted on September 10, 2023 in: General News

Christian Formation is Starting Up!
Elementary Christian Formation begins on Sunday, September 17th at 9:45am in the Parish Hall - see all of the details about the Elementary program here. Middle/High School Christian Formation begins on Sunday, September 24th at 5:00pm in the Parish Hall - see all fo the details about the Midd...

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Family Activity, children, teens, youth, Christian Formation, children, youth ministry

God equips the called...

Posted on August 27, 2023 in: General News

A few weeks ago the CF staff invited you to prayerfully consider becoming a catechist or mentor. As we draw nearer to the start of Chrstian Formation, I wanted to remind you of this request and our baptismal calling. As baptized Christians we are missioned with bringing Christ to the world. When we celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism at Mass, we as a community promise to aid the family in rais...

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Family Activity, Family Activity, children, teens, youth, Parish, Community

God Equips Those He Calls...

Posted on August 27, 2023 in: General News

God Equips Those He Calls...
A few weeks ago the CF staff invited you to prayerfully consider becoming a catechist or mentor. As we draw nearer to the start of Chrstian Formation, I wanted to remind you of this request and our baptismal calling. As baptized Christians we are missioned with bringing Christ to the world. Whe...

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Family Activity, Family Activity, children, teens, youth, Parish, Community
Register for CF by September 1st!
REGISTER BY SEPT. 1st! See our program webpages before completing this form: Elementary Christian Formation Middle and High School Christian Formation CF Volunteer Opportunities If you have children younger than kindergarten, look at our ECFL program for parents and their children age...

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children, RE, CF, Faith Formation, elementary, middle, high

Miracle Fund Yard Sale 2023

Posted on August 03, 2023 in: General News

Miracle Fund Yard Sale 2023
ST. ANN’S MIRACLE FUND YARD SALE 2023 The Miracle Fund Yard Sale is returning to St Ann’s once again on Friday, August 25h and Saturday, August 26th from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm.  We are excited to provide this opportunity for the parish to come together and support this event.  ...

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What are you seeking?

Posted on July 26, 2023 in: General News

What are you seeking?
If you are not Catholic, or if you were baptized Catholic but have not completed all of your Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, join us! This Thursday, September 14th at 6:30pm, come explore the topic of Seeking and Finding in our "Seeking Christ&q...

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Do you have children age 0-5?

Posted on July 23, 2023 in: General News

Do you have children age 0-5?
Sign up for ECFL!  Do you want to connect with like-minded parents in a welcoming and supportive environment? Do you want to learn the best in child development and how to teach the Faith? Do you want to deepen your relationship with your child? Then, join us for Early Catholic Family Life (...

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Parish Events, Family Activity, Fall
Blood Drive - Wednesday, August 9th 9am - 3pm
Wednesday, August 9th from 9am to 3pm at St. Ann's Catholic Church To sign up please click here:  Blood Donation Appointments

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Taste of St. Ann's International Food Festival
Join us on Saturday, July 29th at 6:00pm for "A Taste of St. Ann's" Come join us for an evening of fellowship and food, sampling different ethnic dishes prepared by our parishioners! This free event is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. We look forward to seeing you! &nbs...

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Baptism at St. Ann's

Posted on July 18, 2023 in: General News

Do you have a child age 7 and under who you would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism? See the Baptism Page on our website for details regarding upcoming dates for Baptism and preparation sessions. If you have a child older than age 7 who you would like to celebrate the Sacrament, please see our RCIA page. Baptism Coordinator Team We are also recruiting parishioners who migh...

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Posted on July 18, 2023 in: General News

This week we celebrate the Feast Day of our Patron, St. Ann! Take a few moments to honor this great Saint, who was mother of our Spiritual Mother, Mary and grandmother to our Lord, Jesus Christ. You can also celebrate our heavenly grandparents with these ideas! This week on FORMED watch: Sacred Art: Sts. Joachim and Anne Our parish has a subscription to FORMED which allows you to cre...

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Last chance! Sign up before it's too late!
Last call to be a part of the most "Stellar" week at St. Ann's! We will be hositng VBS from: Sunday, July 16- Thursday, July 20th from 5:30-8:30pm Dinner is included for all participants (age Kg through grade 5) Volunteers (age 6th grade through adult) sign up for free...

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Family Activity, Parish Events, children, teens, youth, Christian Formation, Parish, Parish Events

Are you age 18-39?

Posted on June 27, 2023 in: General News

Are you age 18-39?
Have we got some opportunities for you! See our Young Adult Page for opportunities to connect with others your age and stage in life! In addition, there are three retreat opportunities coming up - one for recent grads, one for young adults, and one for young married couples. Sign up today! If ...

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Retreat, Young Adult

Let's Get Crafting!

Posted on June 20, 2023 in: General News

Let's Get Crafting!
Come help us transform St. Ann's for Vacation Bible School! This year's VBS is going to be Stellar! Sign up participants and volunteers (grade 6-adult) by July 2nd!  Opportuntiies to Support VBS: Help as an adult Station Leader or Crew Leader - see the sign up for details He...

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Parish Events
MS/HS Teen Movie Night: June 23
Our summer movie series continues on June 23! Join us at 8 PM in the parish hall for a showing of The Parent Trap (1998). All middle and high school teens are invited! Bring your friends and your favorite movie snack to share; popcorn and drinks are provided. Teens can RSVP here and p...

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Rise Against Hunger

Posted on June 12, 2023 in: General News

Rise Against Hunger
This weekend, the St. Ann's community continued their commitment to end hunger. On Saturday, the Rise Against Hunger staff reminded us that we have participated in this movement for 15 years and have packed over 500,000 meals to feed the hungry! Well done St. Ann's! Thank you for your e...

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Parish Events

Blessing of the Graduates!

Posted on June 04, 2023 in: General News

Blessing of the Graduates!
Do you have a High School or College Graduate? Or maybe you are the Graduate? The St. Ann's Community would like to recognize your achievement! Share your name and a photo for our display in the Commons. You can drop your photo off in the office, call and share your graduates n...

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Youth Movie Night: May 26

Posted on May 15, 2023 in: General News

Youth Movie Night: May 26
Join us for our first youth ministry movie night of the summer! On May 26, we will be showing The Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Teens of all ages are invited. Bring your friends and your favorite movie snack to share! Showing begins at 8 PM in the parish hall. RSV...

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Parish Events, youth
Youth Ministry Summer of Fun!
Are you in Middle School or High School? Our summer of fun is officially underway! Find our full calendar of events here. This week at St. Ann's: Tuesday, June 6th at 5:00pm Have some fun and be social as we play Ultimate Frisbee. Bring your friends (and they don't have ...

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Are you crafty? Artistic? Love to create?
We need your help! Calling all artists, crafters and creators! St. Ann's will be hosting an out of this world VBS from July 16-20th. We need teens and adults to help us make this place Stellar (the theme of our VBS : )! If you can lend a hand, or your talents, please let us know. We have a nu...

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Sign Up/Donate to Rise Against Hunger
Our Church will celebrate the feast of Corpus Christi on June 10/11 weekend. Corpus Christi, also called the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, celebrates Christ's True Presence in the Eucharist that we consume at Mass. When we eat of His Body we take Christ into our bodi...

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Family Activity, Parish Events, Family Activity, teens, youth, Parish, Community, Outreach, Eucharist, Men
Save the Date for Rise Against Hunger
St. Ann's community has always been a strong supporter of Rise Against Hunger! This year we will sponsor our annual packing event on: Saturday, June 10th at 8:30am in the Parish Hall We will need lots of volunteers to make this happen. Mark your calendars today and visit our Rise Agains...

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HIgh School Kickball Game, May 6
Calling all High School Youth! Join the kickball battle! On Saturday, May 6th at 5:00pm we will take on Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Benedict's, and St. Bridget's parishes in a game of kickball. Invite your firends and sign up here! 

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Happy Easter!

Posted on April 10, 2023 in: General News

 In this season of rebirth, may you feel your faith renewed and your heart made new with the hope Easter brings. Happy Easter from the Clergy and Staff of St. Ann's

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CRS Rice Bowl

Posted on April 10, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl
Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl at St. Ann's from April 15-23rd. We will have a basket in the Commons to collect your cash or checks, or you can donate online at crsricebowl.org/donate. If you have a lot of coins, we invite you to please count them and convert them into a c...

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Posted on April 10, 2023 in: General News

Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be offered on Sunday, April 16th at 12:15pm. See our Baptism page for more details and to sign up!

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Office and Morning Mass Schedule
Welcome to Holy Week! We have some changes to the schedule for this week and next week.  Please see below: Office Hours:  Monday, April 3rd - Thursday, April 6th 9am - 4pm.  Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th the office will be closed. We will resume normal hours on Tuesda...

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Parish Events

CRS Rice Bowl - Holy Week

Posted on April 02, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl - Holy Week
“Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” — Philippians 2:7-8 Palm Sunday marks the beg...

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Community, Parish Events, Outreach

Living Holy Week

Posted on April 01, 2023 in: General News

Living Holy Week
Holy Week is here! Whether you join us at St. Ann's for the rich liturgies of our Catholic faith, or you carve out time with your family at home we pray you make it a very, holy week! The rituals of the sacred Triduum engage all of your senses and prepare us for the joy of Easter! Take a...

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Parish Events

Easter Egg Hunt

Posted on April 01, 2023 in: General News

Easter Egg Hunt
Join St. Ann's 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 9th, 2023 at 12:00 noon (immediately following 11:00am Mass).  The event is free and open to all!  Please let us know how many children will be participating in the Easter Egg Hunt in the "Quantity" column so we...

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Parish Events

CRS Rice Bowl Week 5

Posted on March 28, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl Week 5
Our sacrifices lead us to the Resurrection. Lent can feel like a long time. Sometimes we’d like to skip right to Easter! But just like studying for a test, practicing a sport or saving money, we often must do difficult tasks, make sacrifices and overcome obstacles to reach a worthy goal.&nb...

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Community, Parish Events, Outreach
Living Lent this Week at St. Ann's - 5th Week of Lent
Holy Week is nearly upon us. We hope you will take some time this week to prepare yourself for this most sacred week in our Church. Come to our Lenten Communal Reconciliation Service and receive the gift of God's loving mercy! Pray the Stations of the Cross and plan your Holy Week! ...

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Parish Events
Living Lent this Week at St. Ann's - 4th Week of Lent
Celebrate the healing Sacrament of Reconciliation! This week, Redeemer has an option at 7:00pm on March 22nd and St. Ann's will take place next week. Do you have a child/teen in 4th Grade or older? We are looking for children/teens who can hold candles to highlight our ...

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Parish Events
Ancient Order of Hibernians - Raffle
Major James Henry Dooley Division Ancient Order of Hibernians           in America Richmond, Virginia Twenty-First Annual Raffle for a “Trip for 2 to Ireland  The cost is $10 per ticket with a cash prize of $5,000 that can b...

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CRS Rice Bowl Week 4

Posted on March 14, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl Week 4
This week on our journey through Lent with CRS Rice Bowl we will meet a family from Kenya. Watch their story of hope! Visit our webpage for more information. This week let's REFLECT: Every person has basic rights like food and water, and we have a responsibility to ensur...

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Community, Parish Events, Outreach
Living Lent this Week at St. Ann's - 3rd Week of Lent
Come Pray with us! Last Call to sign up for our Lenten Retreat! Have you signed up for our Lenten Retreat yet? It's not too late! Join us, this Saturday, March 18th as Msgr. Miller walks us through the Gospel for Laetare Sunday, the Man Born Blind. Stay for lunch and fellowship! Click the ...

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Parish Events

CRS Rice Bowl Week 3

Posted on March 10, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl Week 3
This week on our journey through Lent with CRS Rice Bowl we will meet a family from the Philippines. Watch their story of hope! Visit our webpage for more information. This week let's REFLECT: Work is important and part of God’s plan for adults and families. What chores...

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Community, Parish Events, Outreach
Blood Drive - Tuesday, March 21st,  9am-3pm
  Seasons may change, but the need for blood, platelets and plasma to help patients in need is constant. Spring into action and help the Red Cross prevent a blood shortage. Schedule your next donation now at rcblood.org/donate.

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Living Lent this Week at St. Ann's - 2nd Week of Lent
Come Pray with us!  Do you have a child/teen in 4th Grade or older? We are looking for children/teens who can hold candles to highlight our Lenten Stations of the Cross services.  Please review the dates and times below and consider signing up for this wonderful o...

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Parish Events

Chrism Mass Field Trip

Posted on March 02, 2023 in: General News

Chrism Mass Field Trip
On Monday, April 3, youth ministry is taking a field trip to attend the Chrism Mass at the Cathedral. This trip is open to any teen or family that would like to attend. If you would like to go, complete the interest form here!

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Family Activity, teens, youth, Parish
Usher sign up for Holy Week Liturgies
Attention Ushers!  We are almost there!  We still need another usher for the Easter Vigil and we need 2 more for Easter Sunday at 11am. Please click the link below to sign up for Holy Week Liturgies.  Thank you all for your committment to this ministry. Click here to sign up for Ho...

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Living Lent this Week at St. Ann's
Do you have a child/teen in 4th grade or above who would like to serve as a candle bearer at Stations? Sign up here!

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Family Activity

LAST CALL! Lenten Retreat

Posted on March 01, 2023 in: General News

LAST CALL! Lenten Retreat
What obstacles prevent us from seeing the healing touch of Christ in our midst?  Join us this Saturday, March 18th from 9-12noon as Msgr. Miller walks us through the Scripture of Jesus Healing the Man Born Blind. Stay for lunch and enjoy fellowship! Click the banner below to sign up by Wedne...

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Parish Events

CRS Rice Bowl Week 2

Posted on February 28, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl Week 2
This week on our journey through Lent with CRS Rice Bowl we will meet a family from the Honduras. Watch their story of hope! Visit our webpage for more information. This week let's REFLECT: God created our world, and it is our responsibility to take care of it. Why is cari...

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Community, Parish Events, Outreach
      Please read the attached invitation from Bishop Knestout for the Annual Chrism Mass. Monday, April 3rd 6:00pm at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Richmond  

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CRS Rice Bowl

Posted on February 21, 2023 in: General News

CRS Rice Bowl
Have you picked up your CRS Rice Bowl from the Commons? St. Ann's is encouraging your family to grab a Rice Bowl and use the calendar inside of it to make this Lent a time of tranformation. Watch the video below and visit our CRS Rice Bowl webapge for more details. This week let&#...

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Family Activity, teens, youth, Parish, Community, Parish Events, Outreach

Volunteers Needed!

Posted on February 19, 2023 in: General News

Volunteers Needed!
Our Early Catholic Famiy Life Program is seeking teen volunteers to help babysit during their sessions. ECFL meets once a week on Sunday afternoons. Volunteers must be available from 2:45-5 PM, and should enjoy spending time with the youngest of God's children. Sign up at the link below! &nbs...

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CANCELLED - KOC Pancake Supper!

Posted on February 13, 2023 in: General News

CANCELLED - KOC Pancake Supper!
Due to an equipment issue in the kitchen, the Knights of Columbus have been forced to cancel the Pancake Supper scheduled for this Tuesday, February 21st. We are so sorry for the inconvenience.

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Parish Events

Lent is Coming!

Posted on February 12, 2023 in: General News

Lent is Coming!
LENT IS COMING! LENT IS COMING! February 18/19th weekend look for our Lent flyer in the bulletin. Be sure to keep it where you will be reminded of the ways St. Ann's will help you pray, fast and give so that you can have a transformative Lent! In the Commons you can pick up your&nbs...

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Ash Wednesday - Ushers

Posted on February 12, 2023 in: General News

Ash Wednesday - Ushers
Attention Ushers:  please use the link below to sign up for Ash Wednesday Masses and Word Service. Thank you! Click here to sign up

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Souper Bowl of Caring

Posted on January 25, 2023 in: General News

Souper Bowl of Caring
The Souper Bowl of Caring is coming on February 11 and 12 to a Mass near you! For over 30 years, the Souper Bowl of Caring movement has been inspiring people across the nation to tackle hunger in their local communities. On Super Bowl weekend we will need some youth volunteers to...

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Men's Pre-Lenten Retreat

Posted on January 25, 2023 in: General News

Men's Pre-Lenten Retreat
Pre-Lenten Men's Retreat - "Preparing for Lent" You are invited to join with other men of the parish at our Pre-Lenten Men's Parish Retreat on Saturday, February 18, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at Saint Ann's. Breakfast and lunch will...

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Men, Retreat

Upcoming Events for Young Adults

Posted on January 08, 2023 in: General News

Young Adults - See these upcoming events and see our new webpage! Young Adult Resource Page Saturday, March 25 from 10am-6:30pm Our Lady of Angels Monastery, Crozet  Register today!  Do you ever feel like you just need a retreat, a moment to reset?  Join young adults from across the diocese for a Lenten Day of Reflection at the Trappist-Cistercian abbey in Crozet! ...

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Children's Liturgy of the Word

Posted on January 08, 2023

Do you have a child who would you like to attend Children's Liturgy of the Word? Are you an adult who loves spending time sharing faith with the children? We are conducting a survey to see the interest in bringing Children's Liturgy of the Word back during Mass. If you have children you would like to see participate in Children's Liturgy or you are an adult willing to complete th...

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Parish Events

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

Posted on January 08, 2023

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible Many Catholics want to read the Bible but get bogged down by the long stretches that seem not to make sense or get lost among the sea of Old Testament names and places. Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible, an eight-part Bible study, helps you uncover the story wo...

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Parish Events, teens, Christian Formation, Group Study, Parish, adult formation

Teen Lectio Divina

Posted on January 03, 2023 in: General News

Teen Lectio Divina
Come pray lectio divina with us! This group is open to any high school student, no registration reqired. We meet on Wednesdays at 6 PM in the Youth Room. Bring a bible and come on by!  Questions? Email Erin Maguire-Metrey at erinmetrey@stannscc.org. 

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youth, Prayer, Community
Registration is Open! Sign up today!
ECFL social media 01 from CSCOE on Vimeo.   The time has come for famlies with young children (age 0-5) to sign up for Early Catholic Family Life (ECFL)! Come have fun with your child and have the opportunity to meet and interact with other families at St. Ann's! You will have so...

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LAST CALL! Diocesan Youth Conference 2023
  Registration closes on January 3, 2023! DYC is full of great keynotes and breakout sessions, sacraments, prayer, and fun with other Catholic teens. Registration forms are available on the Youth Ministry page of the parish website. Checks should be made out to St. Ann's C...

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Family Activity, Parish Events, Family Activity, Music ministry, children, teens, youth, Christmas, choir, Christian Formation, Advent, Prayer, Group Study, Parish, Community, Parish Events, Outreach, Advent, Worship, Mass, Liturgy, Eucharist, Adoration, adult formation
Don't Wait! Sign up today for Ski Trip 2023!
On Sunday, January 22, 2023, the youth ministry team will be taking a group for a day of skiing at Wintergreen. If your teen or your family would like to join us, lift tickets and equipment rentals should be purchased now as they sell out fast. This would make a great Christmas gift for your middle ...

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Parish Events, teens, youth

Christmas Mass Schedule

Posted on December 19, 2022 in: General News

Christmas Mass Schedule
Peace and joy to you and yours this Christmas season! The schedule for Christmas Masses this year are as follows: Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th:  4:00 PM - In the Hall 4:00 PM - In the Church (Live streamed) 7:00 PM - In the Church Christmas Day, Sunday, December 25th...

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Parent Afternoon/Night Out

Posted on December 02, 2022 in: General News

Parent Afternoon/Night Out
Let us give you an afternoon or an evening to finish final preparations or have a date night before the Christmas season begins! Saturday | December 17th  Afternoon option:  12:30-3:00pm Evening option:   5:30-8:00pm The kids will eat pizza, get crafty and w...

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Second Week of Advent

Posted on December 01, 2022 in: General News

Second Week of Advent
O Come Let Us Adore Him! If you have never attended a Holy Hour, learn more about this prayer opportunity! Spend some time with the Lord. He is waiting for you!  Prayer is a conversation with God and sometimes we may talk to God, but do we make time to listen? Holy Hour will include ...

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Advent, Prayer, Worship, Mass, Liturgy, Eucharist, Adoration

Advent at St. Ann's

Posted on November 20, 2022 in: General News

Advent at St. Ann's
Advent begins next week! It is easy to become caught up in the busy-ness of the season with so much happening. We encourage you to take some time this week to visit our Advent webpage and mark your calendar for the events that will help you keep sight of the true meaning of the season. There is some...

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Parish Events, children, youth, Prayer, Advent, adult formation

All Soul's Day Photos

Posted on November 20, 2022 in: General News

All Soul's Day Photos
Thank you to all who participated in our All Soul's Day Mass and honoring those loved ones who have gone before us during the Month of November.  As we begin the season of Advent, we ask that you pick up your photo or prayer card by the end of the week.  If you are unable to pick up yo...

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CANCELED St. Nicholas Day Celebration
St. Nicholas Day Celebration Unfortunately, due to low participation, we were forced to cancel the St. Nicholas event this year. Bring your family! See more details and sign up on our event page. If you have a teen interested in volunteering, email Patti Kamper at pattikamper@stannscc.org.

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Parish Events, Family Activity, children, Advent

Blood Drive

Posted on November 07, 2022 in: General News

Blood Drive
Help save lives. Give Blood. Thursday, November 17th from 9:00am-3:00pm Appointments are highly encouraged, we cannot guarantee that we will accept walk-ins. Make an appointment by calling 1-800-REDCROSS 1(800)733-2767 or by visiting www.redcrossblood.org and use sponsor code 'stannscc'...

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Community, Parish Events, Outreach

Advent is Coming!

Posted on October 28, 2022 in: General News

Advent is Coming!
Did you know Advent is only one month away? Experience a more peaceful, more joyful, and more meaningful Advent than ever before Join a small group for “Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture, Year A”! This prayer resource offers daily reflections on the Sunday mass...

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Parish Events, Advent, Prayer, Group Study, Parish
Children and Youth Christmas Choir
The Children and Youth Choir is open to boys and girls in 2nd-12th grade who enjoy singing. The group will sit in the choir area and help lead our community in sung prayer at the 4:00pm Christmas Eve liturgy in the church.   Contact Matt Brady, Music Minister with any questions: ma...

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Music ministry, children, teens, youth, Christmas, choir

Trunk or Treat

Posted on October 21, 2022 in: General News

Trunk or Treat
St. Ann's is hosting our second annual Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 29th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm in the church parking lot. We are looking for parishioners who would like to offer a safe trick or treat experience for our St. Ann's families and the Ashland community. All you nee...

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Family Activity, Parish Events, Family Activity
Survey/Sewers Needed - Early Catholic Family Life (ECFL)
We are so excited to announce a new program for families with children from 0-5 years old. Early Catholic Family Life (ECFL) is an opportunity for parents to gather together with their young children to experience some quality time together playing before meeting with the other parents for some guid...

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Family Activity, Christian Formation

Daily Mass Schedule

Posted on October 17, 2022 in: General News

Daily Mass Schedule
There will be no Daily Mass on Wednesday, 10/19 at 9am. Mass will be on Monday and Tuesday only for this week.

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Blessing of Pets

Posted on September 22, 2022 in: General News

Blessing of Pets
In honor of the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Fr. Jim will be holding a pet blessing on Tuesday, October 4th at 6pm.  Please bring your pets to the parking lot area in front of the church.  Pets must be on a leash.  If your pet is uncomfortable around people or other animals, please...

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K of C Spaghetti Dinner

Posted on September 22, 2022 in: General News

K of C Spaghetti Dinner
The Knights of Columbus will be holding their annual Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the Virgil Hicks Scholarship fund on Saturday, October 8th at 5pm.  Tickets will be on sale after Masses beginning the weekend of September 24th and 25th.  Come join us for a fun evening.

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Regular Mass Schedule

Posted on August 29, 2022 in: General News

Regular Mass Schedule
St. Ann's will return to the Regular Mass Schedule begining Saturday, September 17th: Saturday Reconciliation:  2:45 - 3:15pm Saturday Vigil Mass:  4:00pm Sunday Mass:  8:30am and 11:00am

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Photo Directory - We need your help!
Do We Have Your Number? - Please help us 'proof before we print'! Come a few minutes early this weekend to review your family's information for the directory. As volunteers have made phone calls we've discovered many of the numbers we have on file are no longer correct and we'd l...

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A Taste of St. Ann's

Posted on May 26, 2022 in: General News

A Taste of St. Ann's
Please join us for A Taste of St. Ann's on Saturday, June 25th at 6pm in the Hall, where you will be able to sample a variety of international delights.  More information and sign ups will be available in the Hall during the weekend of June 4 & 5.

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Vacation Bible School

Posted on May 13, 2022 in: General News

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School Registration VBS 2022 Monumental - Celebrating GOD'S Greatness!  It's that time of year again!  We're busy planning for this year's Vacation Bible School.  VBS comes early this year.  It will run from Sunday, June 19th thru Thursday, June ...

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Rise Against Hunger - June 4th

Posted on April 25, 2022 in: General News

Rise Against Hunger - June 4th
Save the date!!  Saturday, June 4th Rise Against Hunger returns to St. Ann's!  We will be hosting a meal packaging event again to help feed people around the world.  This event needs 100-150 volunteers to make the event happen:  from set-up on Friday evening to clean up at no...

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Easter Egg Hunt

Posted on April 07, 2022 in: General News

Bring your baskets and come at 12:00 noon or stay after the 11:00am Mass on Easter Sunday (April 17th) for a free, fun Easter Egg Hunt! Please sign up in the lobby or go to  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044aadae2ea13-easter to register for the event by Monday, April 11th.

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Holy Week with Pope Francis

Posted on March 24, 2022 in: General News

Holy Week with Pope Francis
Journey through Holy Week in Rome with the Pope in this beautifully filmed 30 minute video from Formed.  Here's the link: https://watch.formed.org/videos/holy-week-in-rome-a-journey-with-the-pope

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Posted on March 11, 2022 in: General News

Taize - an hour of prayer and meditation,  Please join us for this beautiful reflective evening on Tuesday, March 15th at 7 pm.  All are welcome!  

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Blood Drive

Posted on March 10, 2022 in: General News

Blood Drive
Please schedule your blood donation appointment today St. Ann's has partnered with the American Red Cross to save lives by hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, March 22nd from 9-3pm. If you are healthy and willing, please consider donating lifesaving blood to someone in need....

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Posted on February 28, 2022 in: General News

  Lenten Regulations on Fast and Abstinence The following regulations are observed by Catholics during Lent: Abstinence from meat is observed on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent by all Catholics 14 years of age and older. Fasting is observed on Ash Wednesday a...

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Ash Wednesday

Posted on February 24, 2022 in: General News

Ash Wednesday
The schedule for Ash Wednesday, March 2, 2022 is as follows: 9am Mass with distribution of ashes 5pm Word Service with distribution of ashes 7pm Mass with distribution of ashes

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Haiti Fundraiser - 2022

Posted on February 11, 2022 in: General News

Haiti Fundraiser - 2022
Haiti Ministry Fundraising Letter - 2022 Dear St. Ann's Parishioner, 2021 has been an extremely difficult year for our sisters and brothers in Haiti. Rarely has Haiti had such heavy news coverage, most of it negative, filled with violence, kidnappings, hunger, political unrest, disease and...

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Synod Listening Session - Sign Up

Posted on February 03, 2022 in: General News

Synod Listening Session - Sign Up
Let your voice be heard!  Pope Francis has asked all Catholics to participate in the 2021-2023 Synod. Come to one of St. Ann’s “Synod Listening Sessions” to speak out and to listen to each other as we journey together in faith.  Click here for Participant Reflection...

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Coffee and Donuts Volunteers needed
Please consider volunteering for this much-loved ministry.  We have a need for volunteers:  One family or group to come before the 8:30 Mass to set up the coffee/lemonade.  This family/group will also serve the donuts after Mass.  Then we will need another family/group to serve a...

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Inclement Weather - Office closed

Posted on January 02, 2022 in: General News

Inclement Weather - Office closed
The office will be closed due to inclement weather today, Monday, January 3, 2022.  The staff will be working from home and are reachable via email.  Stay warm and safe!

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Advent Angel Tree

Posted on December 13, 2021 in: General News

Advent Angel Tree
THANK YOU to all the Amazing Advent Angels!  The tags flew off the tree, the gifts poured in, and now they are on their way to share the joy and love of the season with families throughout Ashland and western Hanover. Thank you to all the angels who made this ministry possible - preparing tags,...

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Happy Birthday - Pope Francis!

Posted on December 08, 2021 in: General News

Happy Birthday - Pope Francis!
  Let's Pray for Each Other! Pope Francis is praying for each of You! Now, let us pray for Pope Francis on his 84th birthday on December 17, 2021. Click this link to see Pope Francis ‌ ‌

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Babysitting Event

Posted on December 03, 2021 in: General News

Babysitting Event
St. Ann's Middle and High School Christian Formation is hosting a Parent's Afternoon/Night Out to give you the gift of time. We are offering babysitting in the Parish Hall on Saturday, December 18th at 2 different times: 12:30pm - 3:00pm or 5:30pm - 8:00pm. Your children will enjoy craf...

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Advent Retreat - Sign Up

Posted on November 24, 2021 in: General News

Advent Retreat - Sign Up
We are very excited to welcome Monsignor Tom Miller for a morning of Advent reflection on Saturday, December 11, 2021 from 9:30 to 12:30 followed by lunch.  Monsignor Miller has been here often over the years and has always been a welcome voice.  That weekend we will also celebrate the ano...

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"Sanctuary" Fund Raiser

Posted on November 02, 2021 in: General News

"Sanctuary" Fund Raiser
We have a parishioner who took a beautiful picture of the window behind the altar of the church.  As a fundraiser for the Miracle Fund, this photo has been made into a 12" x 12" prints, prayer cards and note cards.  They will be offered for sale, after Mass, through November 14th...

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Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner
FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER TAKE OUT ONLY!    You are invited to... Pre-order your Thanksgiving dinner by Nov 19, 2021. CALL Helen or Price at 804-798-8988 for your assigned time to pick up your meal(s).  Meals are freshly cooked and boxed in individual containers. (No...

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40 Days for Life

Posted on October 12, 2021 in: General News

40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life is an internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and peaceful vigils in front of abortion businesses.  We need help with this life saving mission and hope you wil prayerfully consider joining us ...

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Trunk or Treat!

Posted on October 07, 2021 in: General News

Trunk or Treat!
St. Ann's is hosting our first ever Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 30th from 5:30pm - 7:30pm in the church parking lot.  We are looking for parishioners who would like to offer a safe trick or treat experience for our St,. Ann's families and the Ashland community.  All you nee...

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Mom's Group Meeting

Posted on September 28, 2021 in: General News

Mom's Group Meeting
Mom's Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm in the parlor. We would love to have you join us for faith sharing, spiritual support, friendship, daily devotionals, and book studies. If  you need more information please reach out to Rosemargaret Maier through text 80...

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Christian Formation

Posted on September 28, 2021 in: General News

Christian Formation
You're invited to learn along with our Christian Formation groups! October's theme is the Bible, and Formed has a great short resource to help you become better acquainted with God's story. Here's the link: https://watch.formed.org/our-story-a-basic-introduction-to-the-bible-for...

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Walking With Purpose

Posted on September 20, 2021 in: General News

Walking With Purpose
  Are you looking for a way to refuel and be refreshed, make authentic connections with other women, and learn more about God? A new WOMENS BIBLE STUDY begins Tuesday, 10/12, at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall (NOTE NEW DATE/TIME!). Registration forms are available in the Commons (please return by...

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Thank you! From Bishop Knestout

Posted on August 31, 2021 in: General News

Thank you! From Bishop Knestout
Please click on the link below to find a letter from the Bishop. Click this link for Bishop Knestout's letter

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CDC & VDH Guidance on Masks

Posted on August 17, 2021 in: General News

    Per the Virginia Department of Health:   Unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated individuals should wear masks in public indoor settings. Public indoor setting include public Masses. Fully vaccinated individuals do not need to wear a mask; however, masks should be worn in indoor settings in areas of substantial and high transmission* Any persn not wearing a mask sha...

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Parish Picnic

Posted on August 15, 2021 in: General News

Parish Picnic
St. Ann’s Parish Picnic 2021 When:  Sunday, September 12, 2021 Where:  St. Ann’s Food Provided:  Hot Dogs, Hamburgers. Fried Chicken, Iced Tea (sweet and unsweet), Lemonade Sign Up Sheets available in the Commons.       

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Mission Appeal

Posted on July 27, 2021 in: General News

Mission Appeal
Mission Appeal Next week, August 7 & 8, our Parish will participate in the Mission Appeal Initiative organized by the Missionary Cooperative Plan of our Diocese. This year we are happy to welcome the Comboni Missionary Sisters, an international missionary community founded in 1872 by Saint...

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Knights of Columbus Thank You

Posted on July 26, 2021 in: General News

Knights of Columbus Thank You
  Parishioners of St Ann’s and St Mary’s of the Annunciation Dear Friends and Family, The past year has been an “interesting” experience for all of us. As we’ve all had to come to terms with the new normal of wearing masks, vaccines, and missing loved ones tha...

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For Immediate Release June 2, 2021 STATEMENT OF THE BISHOPS OF THE PROVINCE OF BALTIMORE AND THE ARCHDIOCESE OF WASHINGTON Lifting the General Dispensation from the Obligation to Attend Mass We, the Catholic Bishops of the Province of Baltimore and the Archdiocese of Washington, give thanks to Almighty God for the progress our country has made in curbing the coronavirus pandemic. The average nu...

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Blood Drive - June 15th: Cancelled
St. Ann's has partnered with the American Red Cross to save lives by hosting a blood drive on Tuesday, June 15th from 9am - 2pm. If you are healthy and willing, please consider donating life saving blood to someone in need.   Appointments are required, you can make your appointment by ...

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COVID-19 Updated Guidance

Posted on May 28, 2021 in: General News

COVID-19 Updated Guidance
Per the Governor of Virginia’s Executive Order 79 (effective May 28, 2021), public health restrictions have ended in the Commonwealth, apart from continued guidance on mask wearing.  Masks – Fully Vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask in any setting...

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Weekend Mass Sign-ups are no longer required
The need to sign up for Weekend Mass is no longer required.  Masks are still required for those unvaccinated, ages 5 and up.    

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Sign up for Daily Mass - May 24, 25 & 26
Click on the link below to sign up for Daily Mass.  Daily Mass Sign up  

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Pray the Rosary

Posted on May 06, 2021 in: General News

Pray the Rosary
►Pray the Rosary - Please join us in praying the Rosary every 3rd Wednesday at 7pm now in person at St. Ann's. If you have any questions, please contact Mario Dalla Valle at 804-814-8277 or Kennedy Weber 804-347-8458.  

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K of C Brunswick Stew Sale

Posted on April 15, 2021 in: General News

K of C Brunswick Stew Sale
Knights of Columbus Council 7538 - Brunswick Stew   Date:          Saturday & Sunday, May 1st and 2nd  Time:         After each Mass Location:  St. Ann’s Parish and St Mary ...

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Sign up for Confirmation Mass

Posted on April 13, 2021 in: General News

Sign up for Confirmation Mass
Confirmation Families please click the link below to sign up for 1 Confirmation Mass. Please include the number attending in the appropriate box after you select 1 in the quatinity box. Confirmation Sign Up

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2021 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Posted on April 03, 2021 in: General News

2021 Annual Diocesan Appeal
He is Risen! Let us trust that God will fulfill our deepest desires. Thank you to everyone who has supported the Annual Diocesan Appeal to date. If you haven’t yet made your commitment, do so today and help those in need by funding important Catholic ministries! Please click on this link...

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Apostles' Creed

Posted on March 23, 2021 in: General News

The Apostles' Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the rig...

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Sign up for Holy Week Services

Posted on March 19, 2021 in: General News

Sign up for Holy Week Services
  Click here to sign up for Easter Click here to sign up for Livestream viewing in Hall

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Lenten Reconciliation Sign Up

Posted on March 11, 2021 in: General News

Lenten Reconciliation Sign Up
St. Ann's will be holding a Lenten Reconciliation Service on Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 7pm.   Click here for March 24th Reconciliation Service  

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Lenten Video Series

Posted on February 20, 2021 in: General News

Lenten Video Series
    "It is not good for man to be alone." (Gen 2:18a) God designed us for relationship, and therefore our fulfillment is connected to community. Let us strive to build up communities and strengthen our relationships with others this Lent. The parish will be offering a...

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Ash Wednesday Sign Up

Posted on February 10, 2021 in: General News

Ash Wednesday Sign Up
Please click below to sign up for Ash Wednesday Mass. Ash Wednesday Sign Up

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Nicene Creed

Posted on February 04, 2021 in: General News

Nicene Creed
Have you been searching for the Nicene Creed we have been saying at Mass?  Well look no further... NICENE CREED: I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born o...

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Souper Bowl of Caring

Posted on February 02, 2021 in: General News

Souper Bowl of Caring
Souper Bowl of Caring:  The youth of the parish will be outside after Mass on Super Bowl weekend, Feb. 6th and 7th.  They will be participating in this nationwide collection to raise funds for a hunger related charity.  This year they have chosen to support ACES.

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Virgil S. Hicks, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Knights of Columbus Council 7538 Scholarship Award for 2021/2022 school year Virgil S. Hicks, Jr. was a founding member of the Joseph M. Johnson council of the Knights of Columbus.  He was the Grand Knight in 1987 and active member until he passed away in March, 2008.  His family is tes...

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Haiti Fundraisers

Posted on January 24, 2021 in: General News

Haiti Fundraisers
Haiti Fundraiser Weekends 1/30&31, 2/6&7 and 2/13&14 Outdoor Marketplace featuring the following items: Please find an order form below...

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Funeral Announcement & Sign Up

Posted on January 11, 2021 in: General News

Funeral Announcement & Sign Up
We are deeply saddened to announce that Nancy and Sal, long-time parishioners and regulars at the Saturday Night Mass, passed away..   A livestreamed Funeral Mass will be held at St. Ann's on Tuesday, January 26th, at 11am.  You can view the livestream on our Facebook page by...

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Sign up for The Solemnity of Mary - 1/1/21
Please click on this link to sign up for the Solemnity of Mary - 1/1/21 @ 10AM

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Returning to Church

Posted on December 10, 2020 in: General News

Returning to Church
If you are thinking about returning to church, you may want to take a moment to view this video.  It shows some of the safety measures that have been put into place since the pandemic. Click here to view video

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Sign up for Advent Reconciliation

Posted on December 09, 2020 in: General News

Sign up for Advent Reconciliation
Click here to sign up for Advent Reconciliation

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Family Movie Night

Posted on December 03, 2020 in: General News

Family Movie Night
Please join us for "The Very First Noel"  at 5pm on Saturday, December 19th.  Please click on the link below for sign up. Family Movie Night Sign Up

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Happy Thanksgiving

Posted on November 18, 2020 in: General News

Happy Thanksgiving
From our families to yours... To sign up for Thanksgiving Day Mass please click here. Office hours for the week of Thanksgiving:  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 9am - 3pm  Thursday and Friday:  Closed

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Mass Attendance Survey

Posted on November 09, 2020 in: General News

Mass Attendance Survey
Mass Attendance & Christmas Mass Survey We want to hear from you! Please take a monent to share your thoughts with us regarding your Mass attendance since the start of the pandemic and your Christmas Mass Plans.   Click here to access survey

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Christmas Angel Tree

Posted on November 09, 2020 in: General News

Christmas Angel  Tree
This year we are offering the opportunity to participate in our Christmas Angel Tree 2 ways.  We have gift tags here at church for you to pick up after Mass and we also have a "Virtual Tree" via a sign up genius.  If you decide to sign up virtually and would like to shop online, ...

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Holy Hour

Posted on October 30, 2020 in: General News

Holy Hour
In conjuction with the Eucharistic Congress, St. Ann's will hold a simultaneous Holy Hour for our parishioners.  If you would like to attend, please sign up using the link below: Sign Up for Holy Hour here

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Eucharistic Congress

Posted on October 29, 2020 in: General News

Eucharistic Congress
Register Here Click on the links below to view Introductory Videos: What is Mission? What is Communion

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Closure of Independent Reconciliation Program
Please click on the link below to view a letter from Bishop Knestout. Bishop's Letter

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Parables & Poetry Virtual Retreat

Posted on October 16, 2020 in: General News

Parables & Poetry Virtual Retreat
Find program materials here... Parables & Poetry Retreat Discovering Inner Peace During Stressful Times With Fr. Jude Siciliano, O.P. and Sr. Patricia Bruno, O.P. Welcome to the First Week of Parables and Poetry a Virtual Retreat.  Below you will find the links to participate in...

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Virtual Open House Info - Saint Mary's Catholic School
ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW LIVE: RESERVE YOUR SPOT! Saint Mary's Catholic School will host two Virtual Open House Sessions next week on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 6:30pm and Thursday, Oct. 22 at 9:30am. During these sessions, families will have the opportunity to...

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Virtual Parent Meetings

Posted on September 23, 2020 in: General News

Virtual Parent Meetings
For Parents of children in grades 1-6 who would like to sign up to attend the Christian Formation information session on line, please click the link below: Parent Meeting for Grades 1-6 Sign Up For Parents of youth in Middle School and High School who would like to sign up to attend the Christ...

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Christian Formation Parent Meeting for Grades 1-6
Please click on the link below to sign up for the Parent Meeting to discuss the upcoming Christian Formation School year for our children in grades 1-6. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-parent

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Christian Formation Parent Meeting for Middle and High School
Please click on the link below to sign up for the Parent Meeting to discuss the upcoming Christian Formation School year for our youth in Middle and High School. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-parent1

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2020/2021 Christian Formation School Year
Click here to read a letter from Fr. Jim and the Christian Formation staff Click here for the 2020/2021 CF Registration Form  

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Sunday Bulletin

Posted on September 01, 2020 in: General News

Sunday Bulletin
Please click the link below for this week's bulletin: Sunday Bulletin  

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Letter from the Bishop

Posted on August 27, 2020 in: General News

Please click on the file below to read a letter from Bishop Knestout.

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Christian Formation Survey

Posted on August 24, 2020 in: General News

Christian Formation Survey
Dear Parents, Due to Covid19, we know CF is going to be different this year.  We have found some programs that we think will work for the parish, but we would like your thoughts for how we can best support your family in faith formation.  Please take a few minutes and answer the 6 quest...

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Sign up for Feast of the Assumption
Click here to sign up for the Feast of the Assumption

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Sign up for Daily Mass - August 3, 4 & 5
Click here to sign up for Daily Mass  

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Sign up for Weekend Mass -  August 1 & 2
Click here to sign up for Weekend Mass

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Formed Pick of the Week

Posted on July 06, 2020 in: General News

Formed Pick of the Week

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Sign up for Daily mass - June 29, 30 and July 1  

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Sign up for Weekend Mass 6/27 & 6/28
Please click the link below to sign up for Mass this weekend: Weekend Mass Sign Up Please remember, sign up is required to allow St. Ann's to comply with guidelines.  Thank you for your cooperation.

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First Communion Sign Up

Posted on June 22, 2020 in: General News

First Communion Sign Up
To sign up for a First Eucharist retreat please go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49ADAB2CAAFF2-first1   To sign up for your preferred First Eucharist Mass, please go to: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F49ADAB2CAAFF2-first

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Sign up for Daily Mass June 22, 23 & 24
Please click the link below to sign up for Daily Mass: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-daily4  

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Sign up for Daily Mass June 15, 16, 17 & 18
Please click the link below to sign up to attend Daily Mass: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-daily3

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Sign up for Weekend Mass 6/13 & 6/14
New Mass time, Sunday at 10 AM (Replaces 11 AM Mass) Please click the link below to sign up for Mass this weekend.  Please remember that sign up is required to attend Mass in person. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-weekend2

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Sign up for Daily Mass June 6, 7 & 8
Please click the link below to sign up for daily Mass.  You must sign up in order to attend.   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-daily2

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Sign up for Weekend Mass 6/6 & 6/7
Please clilck the link below to sign up for Weekend Masses: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-weekend1      

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Sign up for Daily Mass June 1, 2 & 3
Please click the link below to access the sign up page:   https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44AFA72FA0F49-daily1

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Sign up for Weekend Mass 5/30 & 5/31
Please use the link below to sign up for Mass this weekend, May 30th or 31st.   Weekend Mass Sign Up    

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Novena for Pentecost

Posted on May 21, 2020 in: General News

Novena for Pentecost
NCR is sharing with our readers a nine-day Novena for Pentecost resource created by board member and composer Dan Schutte. The entire Novena for Pentecost can be found here. You can sign up to receive an email each day a new Novena resource is posted.  Novena for Pentecost: Feast of ...

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A Plan for Resuming Public Masses
– The staff watched a two hour webinar with the diocese on Wednesday, May 13, where it was explained to all the parishes what is involved with re-opening the church. We must submit a plan to the diocese for their approval. Our hope is that public Mass will resume on the weekend of May 23/24. D...

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High School Bible Study

Posted on May 11, 2020 in: General News

High School Bible Study
On May 17th from 7:00-8:00pm we will be holding a high school Bible study through zoom. If you do not have zoom it can be downloaded for free from the app store and is free to sign up. For our reading, we will be looking at that Sunday’s gospel which is John 14:15-21. If a Bible is unavailable...

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2020 Holy Week Mission

Posted on April 02, 2020 in: General News

2020 Holy Week Mission
Bishop Knestout is pleased to announce our first-ever diocesan-wide virtual Holy Week Mission.  This engaging Mission will take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night of Holy Week from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.  It will feature three dynamic priests from our Diocese, music and choirs from...

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Passion and Holy Week Schedule

Posted on March 31, 2020 in: General News

Passion and Holy Week Schedule
Passion and Holy Week Schedule Passion Saturday                    April 4th           Reconciliation:  2-2:30pm        &nbs...

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Youth Ministry

Posted on March 29, 2020 in: General News

Youth Ministry
While church gatherings  are temporarily restricted, that doesn't mean we can't have youth night! Each Sunday at 8pm ProjectYM features some of the biggest speakers and worship leaders in the Catholic youth ministry world. All you have to do is ​go to PROJECTYM.COM/WATCH to be part of t...

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Spiritual Communion

Posted on March 27, 2020 in: General News

Spiritual Communion
Acts of Spiritual Communion Spiritual Communion is a Christian practice of prayerfully desiring union with Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. It is used as a preparation for Holy Mass and by individuals who cannot receive Holy Communion. In this time when much of the world-wide...

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Posted on March 27, 2020 in: General News

Updated Schedule/Hours

Posted on March 24, 2020 in: General News

Updated Schedule/Hours
Until further notice, all Daily Masses, Sunday Masses and Holy Day Masses have been suspended.  Church open for prayer:   Monday-Thursday, 9am - 3pm, Friday, 9am - 12noon, Saturday, 2pm - 4pm, Sunday, 8:30am – 11am During this time, please keep 6 feet between p...

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Letter from Fr. Chris

Posted on March 17, 2020 in: General News

Letter from Fr. Chris
March 18, 2020 Good morning -  Today while still dark, I went to the Chapel to preside at another private Mass. I found myself thinking of this community, feeling the pain and anxiety many are feeling these days. I also realize that we are to trust our saving God who journeys with us with...

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Message from the Diocese

Posted on March 12, 2020 in: General News

Message from the Diocese
In light of the growing concern about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and out of an abundance of caution, Bishop Knestout is instructing all parishes, schools, residential adult care centers and campus ministries to take the following measures in their communities for the foreseeable future: Ceas...

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Middle School & High School Youth Night
Canceled We will be habving a Youth Night on March 22nd from 6-8pm in the Hall for middle and high school youth.  Friends are welcome!  If you have any questions, please email: youth@stannscc.org  

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Haiti Fundraisers

Posted on February 11, 2020 in: General News

Haiti Fundraisers
HAITI MINISTRY UPDATE – FEBRUARY, 2020 We are excited to give you an update on St. Ann’s outreach ministry in Haiti and to let you know how you can become part of that ministry by participating in our upcoming fundraising campaign. The focus of our ministry is the continued support...

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K of C Chicken Soup Sale

Posted on January 23, 2020 in: General News

K of C Chicken Soup Sale
The Knights of Columbus will be in the Commons Super bowl weekend selling their homemade Chicken Noodle Soup.  The proceeds will benefit the Souper Bowl of Caring designated charity.

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Lenten Soup Suppers-Suspended

Posted on January 22, 2020 in: General News

Lenten Soup Suppers-Suspended
Suspended Lenten Soup Suppers - Please join us for a simple soup supper and faith sharing on the Fridays of Lent.  We will be viewing and discussing The Wild Goose series with Fr. Dave Pivonka which is about discovering a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit.  There will also be opp...

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200th Anniversary Commemorative Book
200th Anniversary Commemorative Books are available for sale in the office, during business hours and after Mass this weekend.  The price of this beautiful book is $35.  For more information please follow the link below.   /Portals/StAnnVA/CMAdmin/Book-Flyer-Interactive.pdf

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Youth Game NIght!

Posted on December 30, 2019 in: General News

Youth Game NIght!
Youth Game NIght for Middle School and High School, Sunday, January 19th from 6-8pm.  Friends welcome!

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Merry Christmas!

Posted on December 22, 2019 in: General News

Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas from the Staff of St. Ann's!

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Diocese of Richmond Bicentennial

Posted on December 17, 2019 in: General News

Diocese of Richmond Bicentennial
Something special is happening at Mass on the weekend of January 18-19… St. Ann's will be kicking off the 200th Anniversary of the Diocese of Richmond! All Masses that day will commemorate Bishop Patrick Kelly’s arrival in Virginia in 1820 and the opening of the Bicentennial ye...

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Christmas Angel Giving Tree

Posted on December 05, 2019 in: General News

Christmas Angel Giving Tree
Thank you to everyone who contributed to making the St. Ann's Christmas Angel Giving Tree a big success once again this year.  To all of you who brought back a gift or made a monetary donation, you helped to make a family's holiday season a little brighter.  And thank you to everyo...

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Advent Reconciliation Services

Posted on December 05, 2019 in: General News

Advent Reconciliation Services
Advent Reconciliation Services: St. Ann's - Tuesday, December 10th at 7pm  Church of the Redeemer - Wednesday, December 11th at 7pm

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Shop Amazon Smile

Posted on December 02, 2019 in: General News

December Youth Nights

Posted on November 22, 2019 in: General News

December Youth Nights
We will be having a Middle School Youth Night on Friday, December 6th at 7pm, and a High School Youth Night on Sunday, December 8th at 6pm.  Friends are welcome!!

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St. Ann's Float for Ashland Christmas Parade
Assembly will be Sunday, November 24th immediately following the 11:00 am Mass, with the parade to follow!  Volunteers need to assemble and ride!  Riders please wear red and/or green and bring your Santa hats, halos or whatever you have!  This will be fun! (Riders will also disassembl...

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St. Ann's Children and Youth Choir
The Children and Youth Choir is open to boys and girls in the 2nd - 8th grade who enjoy singing.  The group will sit in the choir area and help lead our community in worship at the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve liturgy in the church. There are six rehearsals:  Sunday, Nov 3rd, 10th, 17th, and D...

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Mass Coordinators Needed

Posted on October 09, 2019 in: General News

Mass Coordinators Needed
We are in need of additional Mass Coordinators.  Don't let the ministry name scare you!  This ministry involves coordinating with the ushers and others to ensure that everything that happens off the altar is covered.  Things like turning the lights on/off before/after Mass, select...

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Angel Tree Coordinator Needed

Posted on October 02, 2019 in: General News

Angel Tree Coordinator Needed
This is a much-loved tradition here at St. Ann's/  We need someone to head up this year's effort.  Training will be provided.  Time is of the essence, so if you are interested, please contact the office at 798-5039.  This is certainly a labor of love and you will feel gre...

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Catholic Diocese of Richmond Bicentennial

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Youth Nights are Back!

Posted on September 13, 2019 in: General News

Youth Nights are Back!
Middle school will meet from 7-9pm on Friday, Sept.27 and high school will meet from 6-8pm on Sunday, Sept. 29th.  Both groups will meet in the Hall.  It will be a fun night of community building and games.  Feel free to bring friends!

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Coat Drive

Posted on September 06, 2019 in: General News

Coat Drive
"Please get out those coats that you want to donate!  There will be a collection box in the Commons on the weekends of September 28/29 and October 5/6.  Thank you in advance for your generosity" - Chester Walters

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Children's Liturgy of the Word

Posted on September 01, 2019 in: General News

Children's Liturgy of the Word
Adult volunteers needed to lead 4-6-year-old children who participate in a separate and age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word during Sunday liturgies.  Training and materials are provided.  Background check and VIRTUS training required.  Please contact the office to volunteer or to find...

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Ushers Needed for the 11 AM Masses
Ushers are needed for the 11:00 AM Masses.  Training is provided.  If you are interested, please contact the office.

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Eucharistic Ministers Needed

Posted on August 28, 2019 in: General News

Eucharistic Ministers Needed
Eucharistic Ministers needed at the 8:30am Mass.  What a beautiful way to serve the Lord and the parish community!  If interested please contact the office.

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated at the 9am and 7pm Masses on Thursday, August 15, 2019.

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School Supply Drive

Posted on August 06, 2019 in: General News

School Supply Drive
St. Ann's is currently conducting a school supply drive benefiting Hanover Safe Place.  Please bring school supplies to the box in the lobby.  The drive will continue until 8/25/19,  Thank you for your support!

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Men's Retreat

Posted on July 30, 2019 in: General News

Men's Retreat
St. Ann’s Men’s Retreat – September 14, 2019, The theme of the Men’s Retreat is “Being Forgiven and Forgiving Others”.  You are invited to answer God’s call:  To accept forgiveness, to learn how to forgive others, to accept God&rsquo...

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Parish Picnic Committee Coordinator Needed
We currently do not have anyone to organize this year's Parish Picnic, which will be held on Sunday, September 8, at 11:00 am.  If you are interested, please call the office at 804-798-5039.  If we do not have any volunteers, we will have to cancel this year's picnic.  Please ...

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Reception Committee Volunteers Needed
We would like to establish a small group of parishioners who could help approximately 5-7 times per year with various receptions at the Church.  (This is a separate ministry from the funeral receptions.)  This is a very minimal commitment but is much needed.  If you are interested in ...

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In Memory of Anna and Daniel Burton Wilhite
We offer prayers of consolation to the family and friends of Anna Wilhite, who died on June 4, 2019.  A Mass of Resurrection to celebrate the lives of Anna and Daniel B. Wilhite will be held at St. Ann's on Friday, August 16th at 10:00 am, with a reception to follow.

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Join the Christian Formation Team!
On fire with your faith?  Want to share your love of God with others?  Be a catechist!  We still need catechists for elementary, middle school and high school.  Please consider sharing your faith with the children and youth of the parish.  Guide them to better know, love and...

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Wanted: Hospitality Team Leaders
We are looking for a Team of about 4 people who are willing to Coordinate Coffee and Donuts on Sundays, Parish Picnic, Easter Vigil Reception, and various other receptions throughout the year.  These people will be responsible for getting volunteers/food/decorations and will work as a team so a...

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Volunteers Needed For Caritas

Posted on June 03, 2019 in: General News

Volunteers Needed For Caritas
Please Volunteer for CARITAS at St. Ann’s – We are hosting a Women’s Shelter Group June 22-29, 2018. All signups this year will be on line through Signup Genius.Volunteer Job Descriptions are on the links below. Information is also available at the CARITAS table display at weekend ...

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 Knights of Columbus Pilgrimage
The Knights of Columbus from Church of the Redeemer will be taking a pilgrimage to the St. John Paul ll Shrine and the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on June 14th, 2019.The bus will leave at 7:30 am. Upon arrival at the John Paul Shrine, we will tour the facility and th...

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2019 Annual Diocesan Appeal

Posted on May 30, 2019 in: General News

2019 Annual Diocesan Appeal
Building Our Family of Faith If you have made a pledge to the 2019 Appeal, the Diocese has begun sending reminders so you can fulfill your pledge. It is important for all parishioners to complete their pledges. The assistance that is provided to the ministries and programs the Appeal supports, su...

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Caritas Save the Date!

Posted on May 30, 2019 in: General News

Caritas Save the Date!
We will be hosting the Women's Shelter Group, June 22-29. We need volunteers now to help with volunteer sign-ups before/after each Mass, May 25-June 16. Please text/call/email Suzette Braun to volunteer for volunteer sign-ups.

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Earlybird (4:00 am, kitchen opens) Caritas
3-Member team needed to help coordinate/purchase, cook and serve breakfast for approximately 30 homeless women on Saturday June 29th, 2019. A full hot breakfast (eggs, sausage, bacon, home fries, grits, biscuits) has been the traditional final breakfast for our Caritas guests as they leave St. Ann&r...

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Interested in a nursery?

Posted on May 30, 2019 in: General News

Interested in a nursery?
Please call or email the church office if you are interested in having a nursery on Sunday. Let us know: which Mass you attend how many children would be coming to the nursery if you would be willing to participate in the nursery

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Parish Survey Updates

Posted on May 30, 2019 in: General News

Parish Survey Updates
You may have noticed that more handicapped and elderly parking spaces are now available. This was one of the concerns voiced in the parish survey. A new website is also being developed to improve communication which was another concern mentioned in the survey. This should be available early summe...

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Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.,org or (877) 887-9603.