Ashland Christian Emergency Services (ACES) mission is to serve and address the unmet needs of the less fortunate in the Ashland community. St, Ann's helps support ACES with monetary donations, food, clothing, furniture and volunteer labor. You may bring your food and clothing donations to St. Ann's and leave them in the wicker baskets in the Commons. Monetary donations can be left in the office. Learn more about ACES here! If you are able to assist with delivering our weekly donations to ACES (Mon or Wed between 8:30am-11:30am), let us know.

ACES Needs List 

ACES is in need of the following items:

  • Canned fruit (all types)
  • Canned meat
  • Dry rice (smaller bags/flavored puches)
  • Dry potatoes (smaller boxes/flavored pouches)
  • Pork & Beans/Baked beans
  • Cold cereal
  • Peanut butter
  • Laundry detergent
  • Shampoo
  • Bar soap
  • Deodorant (women's and men's)
  • Toilet paper
Children's Clothing:
  • Boy's and Girl's zip-up sweatshirts and fleece tops (all sizes)
  • Girl's winter pants & shirts (sizes 7 - 18)
  • Boy's winter pants & shirts (sizes 3 - 18)
  • Boy's jeans (sizes 5 - 10)
  • Girl's winter pants & shirts (sizes 6 - 18)
  • Girl's underwear (sizes 4 - 8)
  • Boy's underwear (size 4 - 8)
  • Boy's undershirts (size 3, 14-16)
  • Girl's socks (XS, S, XL)
  • Boy's socks (size L and XL)
  • Boy's shoes and boots (all sizes) 
  • Girl's shoes and boots (all sizes)
  • Diapers (sizes 3 and 6)
  • Pull ups (size 4T/5T)
  • Baby Wipes 


Adult Clothing:
  • Men's jeans (sizes 28-34)
  • Men's boxers and boxer briefs (all sizes)
  • Women's underwear (sizes 1X, 2X, 3X and larger)
  • Women's sanitary products

Thank you for your support!



Do you have questions?

Contact: Deacon Larry Mikkelson

Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at or (877) 887-9603.