First Communion




St. Ann's prepares children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion in the second grade and above. Our preparation is a combined process for children and their parents. To foster a true sense of the Sacred, and to allow for the assimilation of the catechetical process, we encourage those preparing to encounter Jesus Christ in the Sacraments be enrolled in their Christian Formation classes during that academic year and in the prior year as well (1st and 2nd grades for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion). Children who fulfill the regular Christian formation requirement outside of the St. Ann's classroom program can register for sacrament preparation only.

St. Ann’s follows the diocesan recommendation that First Reconciliation and First Eucharist take place in the second grade. Preparation for First Reconciliation must be completed before the student may enter the preparation program for First Eucharist. If a child misses a preparation class, they should complete the student textbook pages for the date missed and return that assignment to the Coordinator. 

During these years of preparation and celebration, the student should:

  • Be a member of the parish. 
  • Attend Christian Formation classes and events regularly. 
  • Attend all the required parent/student sessions with a parent. 
  • Give a copy of their baptismal certificate to the CF office (Date, Name and Address of the church where the baptism took place). 
  • Attend Mass regularly throughout the year. 
  • Attend the communal celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation 
  • Attend one of the First Communion celebrations on May 10/11 weekend.
  • Families will be given the opportunity to sign up for their preferred Mass time when First Communion preparation begins in March.

The Diocese of Richmond requires:

  • All children prepare for First Reconciliation prior to preparation for First Holy Communion.
  • All children must participate in a Sacrament preparation program in addition to a general faith formation program.
  • Registration is required!

As primary witnesses of the faith to your children, parents will be guided through the process of preparing their children for sacraments with the support of our faith formation staff. You can register for Sacrament preparation using the regular Christian Formation registration form. If your child attends Catholic School and their Christian Formation is part of their academic curriculum, they only need to be registered for Sacrament preparation. 

First Reconciliation/First Holy Communion Preparation Calendar 2025 Here! (Scroll down to page two)


Contact our Elementary Coordinator: Sarah Uy 

Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at or (877) 887-9603.