Justice and Peace Ministry

In the Scriptures we read: "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’ " Matt 25:37-40

As Catholic Christians we are called to put our faith into action. The Corporal Works of Mercy are charitable actions that outline how we should love one another and care for the least among us. The various Justice and Peace ministries at St. Ann's is involved in, many of which address these works of mercy, are listed below. 

Ashland Christian Emergency Services (ACES): People are needed to assist with the delivery of the donated goods from the church to ACES - near Route 1 across from the Food Lion. Deliveries need to be made on Mondays or Wednesdays from 8:30am to 11:30am. ACES also needs persons to volunteer with donated goods sorting and interaction with those in need who visit the facility. See the monthly donation request list HERE. Contact: Lynda Hamm

Assistance Program: This is a direct ministry of the parish to serve the needs of members of the Ashland community in need of temporary housing, and food. Volunteers are needed to answer calls from people in need on Mondays and Wednesdays from 9:30am to 11:30am. Training is provided in the tasks of this ministry. 

Contact: Allison Krause at the Parish Office 804-798-5039

Cards of Pastoral Care: St. Ann’s reaches out to parishioners and others in the community who are sick, homebound or bereaved to remember them with special cards and notes, letting them know of our support, prayers and concern.
Contact: Helen Smith

Angel Giving Tree: During four weeks of late November and early December, volunteers collect, sort, wrap, distribute and deliver gifts for families in need. Contact: Terry Colville

Haiti Twinning Ministry: St. Ann’s supports our Twin Parish and school in Haiti, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, by providing funds and materials to assist their educational programs and other basic needs. There are opportunities to serve on the Haiti Planning committee responsible for coordinating fundraising, education activities and communication with the Pastor and people of Haiti. Contact: Patricia Hawn

Meals Ministry: Members of this ministry provide meals to those facing short or long-term illness and need food for their families. Contact: Terry Colville

St. Ann Stitchers: This group gathers at St. Ann’s regularly to pray, crochet or knit afgans, blankets, hats, scarves and shawls that serve a variety of people in our community such as: the sick, homebound and the newly baptized as well as those receiving treatment in local infusion facilities. 

Rise Against Hunger - St. Ann's supports the international organization, Rise Against Hunger through an annual meal packing event that provides meals to hungry people around the world. This event requires many helping hands - see more details here!

School Supply Drive - Our annual school supply drive is held in July. In additions to donations, volunteers are needed to help sort and deliver the supplies to Hanover County Public Schools. Contact: Helen Smith

Visiting the Sick and Homebound: Parishioners are trained by the Pastor to extend our love and concern to those who are homebound, or in nursing homes, assisted-living facilities or hospitals. By visiting with them, our volunteers unite them with our larger parish community by providing caring support, by listening to their concerns, and if they would like, by praying and reading scripture with them, and bringing them Holy Communion.

Winter Coat Collection: New and gently used winter coats are collected in September for distribution through the local Social Services office in the winter months. Volunteers are needed to collect, clean, sort and deliver the coats to Social Services. Contact: Helen Smith

Contact: Janice Campbell


Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.,org or (877) 887-9603.