Liturgical Ministry

Altar Servers: lead the procession to the altar at the beginning of Mass, assist the Priest at the altar at several points during the Mass, and lead the recessional at the end of Mass.
Contact: Loren Lane

Arts & Environment: Volunteers work with church decor and live plants to enhance the worship space, commons area and chapel throughout the Liturgical year.
Contact: Matt Brady, Elizabeth Bentley and Carol Frere

Baptism Preparation Team: Adults assist at the Baptism preparation classes (required of parents) and at the celebration of the Sacrament at Mass. Baptism preparation classes are held after Mass on Sunday several weeks prior to the Baptism. The time commitment for team members includes attending team meetings, assisting at preparation classes, and serving at baptismal liturgies.
Contact: Patti Kamper

Care of Altar Linens: Volunteers launder and iron altar linens on a monthly rotation basis.
Contact: Carol Frere

Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Adult volunteers lead 4-6 year-old children who participate in a separate and age-appropriate Liturgy of the Word during Sunday liturgy. Training and materials are provided. Background check and VIRTUS training required.
Contact:  Dave Schweiger

Eucharistic Ministers: Confirmed Catholic parishioners assist the presider in distributing Holy Communion during Mass.
Contact:  Lise Mikkelson

Funeral Ministry: Funeral services and Masses are coordinated by the Pastor with members of the family. Various ministers are needed to assist at these weekday Funeral Masses.
Contact: Carol Frere or Nell Curtis

Lectors (Readers): Welcome the Faithful to the celebration of the Eucharist, proclaim the Word of God during Liturgy of the Word and lead the community in prayer at the General Intercessions.
Contact: Lise Mikkelson

Mass Coordinators: Are responsible on a rotating schedule for assuring that all activities and specific ministries that occur off the Altar are covered. Good people skills and an understanding of the sequence of the Mass are needed. (Includes Holy Days and Funeral Masses if available.)
Contact: Lise Mikkelson

Ushers and Greeters: Welcome those arriving for worship services, distribute the worship aids and bulletins, assist with seating, and coordinate the Offertory procession and Communion lines during Mass.
Contacts: Karen Letteri(for Sat. vigil)
Elizabeth Bentley (for Sun. at 8:30am)
Eddie Hughes (for Sun. at 11:00am)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Lise Mikkelson


Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.,org or (877) 887-9603.