Campus Ministry

Are you a college student looking to grow in faith and community? Come check out our Catholic Campus Ministry! We attend the 11 AM Mass together every Sunday. If you're interested in studying the Word, come to our Tuesday Bible study! We also have a variety of other activities just for you--check out the calendar below, follow our Instagram, and request to join our GroupMe to stay updated!
Questions? The campus minister, Erin Maguire-Metrey, is on campus every Tuesday and Wednesday. She'd love to meet you! Stop by to ask about getting a ride to Mass, social events, or other CCM questions. You can also email her at
Upcoming Events

Coffee and Campus Ministry
Tuesday, September 5, 11-3
Wednesday, September 6, 2-6 PM
Find Erin in Brock Commons and get a coffee drink of your choice on her! (Or tea, or hot chocolate, or anything else the campus Starbucks will make). Feel free to hang out and play a board game, fill out a coloring page, or just chat.

Activities Carnival - September 8, 5 PM
Come find our CCM table at the Activities Carnival! Meet Erin and get more information about CCM this year.

R-MC Rides to Mass - September 10
Need a ride to Mass? We attend the 11 AM Mass at St. Ann's together! Meet us at Brock Commons at 10:30. We depart at 10:40.

Tuesday Bible Study - September 12, 11:30 AM
Join us for our first Bible study of the semester at 11:30 in Old St. Ann's! Never been part of a Bible study before? No problem! Erin will walk you through all the steps--all you need is your favorite Bible and an open heart. Not sure how to get to Old St. Ann's? It's building 8 on this map.