

Photo Directory - We need your help!

Posted on August 07, 2022 in: General News

Photo Directory - We need your help!

Do We Have Your Number? - Please help us 'proof before we print'! Come a few minutes early this weekend to review your family's information for the directory. As volunteers have made phone calls we've discovered many of the numbers we have on file are no longer correct and we'd like to update them before our directory is printed.

Last Chance! - Appointments are still available on Aug. 12th and 13th. If you have your photo taken you'll receive a free 8 x 10 and a copy of the directory. Sign up at www.ucdir.com with "Photography Appointment Scheduling Login": Church code va140, Password photos.

Submit Your Own Photo - If you are unable to make it to one of our photo sessions and would like to submit your own photo, please call the office by Wednesday.

Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.org or (877) 887-9603.