Eucharistic Revival Resources
National Eucharistic Revival Resources for ALL AGES (en espanol too) - a whole selection of videos, studies, podcasts, ebooks. ADULTS | CHILDREN | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
USCCB article on "The Eucharist" ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
Bishop Barron "The Mystery of the Mass" - (60 min) Bishop Robert Barron gives the first of two keynote addresses at the Adoremus Eucharistic Congress and Pilgrimage in Liverpool. Saturday morning, 8 September 2018. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
Bishop Barron "The Mass" - (12 min) Why is the Mass so important? Why is it the “source and summit” of the Christian life? It is the most beautiful encounter between friends and it is an anticipation of the play that will be our permanent preoccupation in heaven. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
"Is the Mass a Sacrifice?" - (9 min) Dr. Brant Pitre discusses whether or not the Mass is a sacrifice. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
Fr. Mike Schmitz "The Motivation to Go to Mass" - (10 min) You may have heard priests or devout Catholics say something like, “If only people knew what was happening at Mass, they’d be more willing to go.” That may be true, but in this video, Fr. Mike also gets to the more practical—and painfully direct—heart of the matter. He points out that the heart of worship is sacrifice, and ultimately it’s not about how engaged or entertained we are. Mass isn’t about us; it’s about God and what he asks of us. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
"A Quick Primer on Transubstantiation" Article by Ascension Press. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
"The Veil Removed" video - (7 min) - The Veil Removed is a short film that reveals the coming together of heaven and earth at Mass, as seen by saints and mystics, revealed by scripture and in the catechism of the Catholic Church. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA | TEENS
"The Eucharist" by Fr. Mike Schmitz - (8 min) Fr. Mike Schmitz tells us why the Eucharist is so important. That God became so small that He is willing to let us ignore Him. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | TEENS
"Deepening Our Understanding of the Eucharist" Resources for Families/Catechists by Loyola Press FAMILIES | CATECHISTS | CHILDREN
Teaching Your Children about "Table Etiquette From the First Meal to the Last Supper" by Sr. Pat McCormack. PARENTS | CATECHISTS
"The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church" study with Bishop Andrew Cozzens - The Eucharist is indeed Jesus Christ, and as Catholics, a gift that requires our response. And what a gift it is! In this groundbreaking new course, Bishop Cozzens breaks open the new document published by the USCCB: "The Mystery of the Eucharist in the Life of the Church." This is the perfect companion resource! ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
PODCAST: "The Eucharist is Really Jesus" with Fr. Craig Vasek - (45 min) Fr. Craig Vasek, talks with Katie Prejean McGrady about how this life changed after his first authentic encounter with the Eucharist. Vasek also reinforces that the Eucharist is not a holy object, but a person—Jesus—to encounter and love. ADULTS | YOUNG ADULTS | RCIA
Parents, consider making a Mass Bag with Quiet Toys to Keep Your Young Children Engaged and Learning about the Mass. Here is an article about what to pack and some options on what to add to your bag:
Parts of the Mass Ring by Catholic Family Crate
My First Interactive Mass Book by Ascension Press
Quiet Mass Books by The Little Rose Shop
Plush Jesus Dolls: Sacred Heart of Jesus doll or Jesus the Teacher
Rosaries and bracelets for infants and toddlers at Chews Life
My First Picture Missal for littles
Catholic Mass Flip Cards
For elementary aged children, try a subscription to Magnificat