Welcome to the women's Bible study group at St. Ann's!You're invited to join the women of St. Ann's for

our Spring 2025 Bible study!

We are eager to get back to community —

back to Bible study and the community of friends

who encourage us to grow in the image of God!

You are welcome here.

Spring 2025: Beholding Your King: Christ Revealed in the Old Testament 

Beholding Your King - Walking with Purpose women's study - Winter 2025 at St. Ann'sWe live in a self-centered culture that all too often leaves us feeling empty and dissatisfied. A fuller view of God and His glory is the perfect antidote, which you will experience in Beholding Your King.

We’ll study King David, select psalms, the temple, and many Old Testament prophets and see the ways in which they all point to the coming King of Kings, Jesus Christ. This Bible study is the second part of a two-part series and is ideally completed after Beholding His Glory. 

What we’ll discuss:

— Prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament, and their effect on people past and present

— Psalm 23, the most familiar of all the psalms, which has comforted people throughout the centuries

— God’s steady purpose in both the Old and New Covenants, and the promises He kept to all of us

This nine-lesson study will begin January 14, 2025. 

Click here to sign up for Beholding Your King!

Order the Beholding Your King study guide at Walking with Purpose.

Remember, if you need help ordering, or if the cost is an issue, please contact one of the coordinators at the emails below, and we will be happy to help!

FAQs about Walking with Purpose

Top ten reasons to be part of WWP at St. Ann's

10 - Walking with Purpose (WWP) is a Catholic
Bible study for women.

9- WWP fits into your busy schedule.

8- No prior Scripture knowledge is required.

7- WWP is a no-judgment zone. We welcome
anyone who is interested in studying
God’s Word.

6- We offer “rolling admission.” Visit and join

5- Meet new women for fellowship and

4- Be better prepared to share the Biblical
principles of our faith.

3- There is no actual walking involved.

2- We share our everyday challenges in an
atmosphere of honesty and authenticity
and accept one another for who we are:
beloved daughters of God.

1- and the Number 1 reason to join WWP:
Jesus wants your friendship
and your focus on Him this year.

Walking with Purpose Women's Bible Study at St. Ann's

Questions? Email a Coordinator! Janice Pagnini or Janice Campbell

Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.org or (877) 887-9603.