

K of C Brunswick Stew Sale

Posted on April 15, 2021 in: General News

K of C Brunswick Stew Sale

Knights of Columbus Council 7538 - Brunswick Stew


Date:          Saturday & Sunday, May 1st and 2nd 

Time:         After each Mass

Location:  St. Ann’s Parish and St Mary of the Annunciation

St Ann’s - 105 S. Snead Street, Ashland, VA  23005

St. Mary - 10306 Ladysmith Rd., Ruther Glen, VA 22546


The pre-order cost of the Brunswick Stew is:

1 Quart                       $9.00

3 Quarts                     $25.00 – save $2.00

New: Stew can be purchased using Venmo (Knights of Columbus @ JMJ-Council-7538)

All stew purchased on the day of the sale will be $10.00 per quart

If you wish to pre-order, complete the attached form and make your check or money order payable to Knights of Columbus 7538 and mail no later than Friday, April 30. 

If not possible, please call one of the Brother Knights listed below and provide him with the number of quarts you would like.  Also provide him with your name (first/last name) and phone number.

Grand Knight - Don Montag @ 804-229-5532

Financial Secretary – Gregg Palmer @ 804-572-5736

Knights of Columbus Council 7538 


Saturday and Sunday, April 24th & 25th, 2021 

1 p.m. - 3 p.m. 

The Brunswick Stew will be prepared fresh by members of our Council from our “almost” famous recipe. Proceeds from the sale will be used to fund the charitable projects of our Council.  

The Pre-Order price for the Brunswick Stew is: 

1 Quart $9.00 

3 Quarts $25.00 - save $2.00 

New: Stew can now be purchased using Venmo (Knights of Columbus @ JMJ-Council-7538)

In the “What’s it for?” section, note your name, number and how many quarts of stew

Your check should be payable to Knights of Columbus #7538, and mailed to: 

KofC Council 7538

PO BOX 2032 Ashland, VA 23005.

Complete below to pre-purchase your order: 


Brunswick Stew # of quarts     $ Amount
1 quart @ $9    
3 quarts @ $25    
Additional Donation    
Total Enclosed    

NAME  ____________________________________



Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.org or (877) 887-9603.