

Haiti Fundraisers

Posted on February 11, 2020 in: General News

Haiti Fundraisers


We are excited to give you an update on St. Ann’s outreach ministry in Haiti and to let you know how you can become part of that ministry by participating in our upcoming fundraising campaign.

The focus of our ministry is the continued support of the parochial elementary school we started in 2003. It serves approximately 300 pre-K through 6th grade students in Dubuisson, Haiti. Money raised pays for the salaries of the principal, teachers and cooks as well as books, maintenance and a daily hot nutritious meal for the students-- for many students, their only meal of the day. Thanks to the generous donations from St. Ann’s last year, we were able to reach our budgeted goal of $30,000 and cover all of the expenses mentioned above.

2019 was a difficult year for the people of Haiti. Political unrest and demonstrations in many areas further burdened the struggling Haitian economy and many schools were closed during the fall semester. Thanks to the generous donations from the people of St. Ann’s and the persistent hard work of the pastor in Dubuisson, Father Guy Cassius, our school remained open and provided classes and meals as usual and some degree of normalcy for the children and teachers.

The political unrest did alter our ability to travel to Haiti and visit the school this fall. It is our desire to visit our sister parish and school once or twice a year, but our frequent communications with Father Guy confirmed notices from our diocese that travel to Haiti was not realistic or safe at present. Father Guy has been able to update us regularly on the progress of the school.

Some of you may wonder how the government unrest in Haiti impacts how your donations are used. It does not! We are fortunate to have the means to wire funds directly to Father Guy’s local bank account, whereupon he sends us receipts for ALL approved purchases for the school. Teachers must also sign to indicate they have received their pay. Funds are strictly budgeted and sent every 2 months.

It is exciting to learn that Father Guy has successfully begun his vision of an agricultural program enabling students to learn how to grow and care for a variety of food plants and trees. His goal is to enable the children to take these plants/trees home to plant, nurture and eventually harvest, thereby enabling families to supplement their income. He has been instrumental in laying the foundation for this independent self-sustaining project and recognizes the need for the next generation of Haitians to support themselves. Yet change does not happen rapidly, and it will be years before this project meets the financial needs of these families. Our support is still desperately needed.

Although donations of any amount are welcome at any time, Father Chris has designated 3 weekends in February (8/9, 15/16, 22/23) for our annual fundraising campaign. Your participation in our campaign will help us to meet our projected budget to sustain our current work and continue our progress in Haiti. If you prefer, donations can be made through Faith Direct using the “One Time Gift Now” option, including “Haiti” in the note section.


As Father Chris frequently reminds us, our time and talent are as valuable as our treasure. If anyone is interested in becoming more involved in the Haiti Ministry, we welcome your ideas, energy and spirit. Also, if you are interested in seeing the details of our expenses and budget or Father Guy’s plans for improving the school, please let us know. We are happy to share any and all information with you.

Thank you for your support.

Hayes Hanley and Patricia Hawn

Co-Chairs of Haiti Ministry


Below you will find a letter written by Father Guy Casseus. Father Guy is the Pastor of Notre Dame du Perpetuel Secours Catholic Church in Dubuisson, Haiti. He also oversees the elementary school that the parishioners of St. Ann’s so generously support.

Love is stronger than death

From earthquake to hurricane, floods, tornados and political unrest, the people of Haiti are regularly impacted by natural and human disaster. Last year, we did not have a natural disaster, but we had a significant human disaster as a result of the political unrest that has serverly impacted the people and the country since February 2019. This disaster has brought death to many people and has destroyed Haiti’s economy and the hope of the youth for a better life.

Many people wonder how can the Haitian people survive so many disasters? The answer is simple: we believe that love is stronger than death. We rely upon God’s love and the love of all the people of good will. It does not mean that we do nothing. We struggle, we fight to survive, but we are thankful for the love of God and that of the people of Good Will, such as those of St. Ann’s parish in Ashland, Virginia.

We are delighted to thank all the faithful of St Ann’s parish for their continuing support. We assure you that your love through this fundraising will bring some light in our shadow of death. We welcome every single dollar as a gift from God that will help us to fulfill our mission to educate the children of Dubuisson. As you know, financial resources for the Haitian people are very limited, and the needs are always big. As we look to the future, there continues to be a vision to expand the school beyond grade 6, and this is also something the Haitian government and the Diocese of Hinche would like to see happen. Adding grades 7- 9 is something we ask our family at St. Ann’s to prayerfully consider for the future.

May the love of God keep your hearts in Jesus Christ.

Fr. Guy  CASSEUS             

Reporting Abuse

Sexual Abuse Hotline: Bishop Knestout encourages anyone aware of sexual abuse of minors on the part of clergy or staff of our Diocese to notify civil authorities and reach out to the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at VAC@richmonddiocese.org or (877) 887-9603.