Our sacrifices lead us to the Resurrection.
Lent can feel like a long time. Sometimes we’d like to skip right to Easter! But just like studying for a test, practicing a sport or saving money, we often must do difficult tasks, make sacrifices and overcome obstacles to reach a worthy goal.
The 40 days we spend praying and doing penance help us prepare to celebrate the Church’s greatest feast day. Jesus had to go through his passion and death before he could rise. Our sacrifices enable us to experience—in a small way—Christ’s suffering, and they lead us to the joy and wonder of his resurrection.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve learned how people in Honduras, the Philippines and Kenya made sacrifices so their families and communities can thrive.

In Honduras, Rony fixed his reservoir and installed a low-cost system to water his fields. Although this work took time and effort, Rony’s hard work allowed him to provide food for his family and is helping his son achieve his soccer dream!

In the Philippines, Raul and Rhodora changed their jobs to ensure their granddaughters can be healthy and finish school. It was challenging for them to learn a new and different type of work—raising fish—but it was worth it to help support their granddaughters.

In Kenya, Rebecca learned how to use a new water system and different ways to farm. She also taught others in her community to use these new techniques. Rebecca spent time learning and teaching, but her sacrifice is now benefiting her family and entire community.
How are you doing with your Lenten resolutions? How are your prayer, fasting and almsgiving going? Reflect on your Lenten journey and what you would like to accomplish or do differently during the final weeks of Lent to prepare for Easter.
This week let's REFLECT:
As Christians, we have a duty to give special care to people who are most in need.
How do your Lenten sacrifices help our sisters and brothers who are most vulnerable?
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